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Supportive living and wraparound care

woman comforting a person by touching their hands

Supportive living

HUD Housing First is a no-barriers program providing long-term, community-based, scattered-site living for individuals who are unhoused with mental health and/or substance use needs.

Our services include but are not limited to evaluation, planning, and linking these individuals to services. Our team provides supportive counseling, psychosocial rehabilitative services, money management skills training, medication monitoring, household maintenance skills, and socialization skills training. The program provides services to adult males and females who are 18 years old or older.

Referrals and program information: 850-469-3798

An empathetic mid adult female counselor sits with her hand on her chin as she listens to the unrecognizable mid adult female client.

Wraparound services

Many behavioral health conditions can be successfully treated through community-based care. Doing so allows the people we serve to practice what they learn in a real-world setting.

Those with a serious mental illness or struggling with substance misuse may have difficulty living independently in the community and need extra support in managing their daily health needs.

Our Florida Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) team includes professionals in psychiatry, nursing, counseling, case management, substance use treatments and vocational services. FACT supports can allow you to safely remain in the community while receiving help.

New client registration:

Program questions or assistance:

Older woman in a group therapy setting speaking

Supporting children and families in our community

When a child faces mental health issues, both the child – and their family – may benefit from community-based, in-home support to help face everyday challenges.

Our Community Action Team (CAT) serves children in homes, schools and daycare settings to help lower the risk of hospitalization, reduce contact with law enforcement and improve functioning within the home, school and community settings. The goal is to help the child/adolescent and family become successful in the environment where they live, preventing the need for residential treatment.

CAT services are provided in a supportive and interactive manner and directed toward maintaining or restoring positive family relationships. The program provides services such as: nursing, case management, and individual and family therapy. CAT clients are frequently seen by the psychiatrist or psychiatrist ARNP.

Program questions or assistance:

Escambia and Santa Rosa counties (serving adolescents ages 5 to 17):

Walton County (serving youth ages 11 to 21):
850-635-2775 or 850-530-1982

child in therapy with parents