In a crisis

In a crisis situation, it’s important to know who to call. Lakeview Center behavioral health services has options depending on your need. Our Mobile Response Team (MRT) serves Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa and Walton counties.
MRT provides 24/7 intervention and support and is available to respond within 60 minutes via telephone triage or in-person. We can come to you.
In addition to helping individuals, we partner with local law enforcement, schools, emergency rooms and other providers. MRT also provides after-care to ensure a smooth transition to the appropriate support services, such as substance misuse treatment, psychiatric care, trauma counseling and support for victims of crime. The three goals of this team are:
- Reduce trauma.
- Prevent unnecessary hospitalizations.
- Divert individuals from emergency departments or the juvenile justice/criminal system.
This community-based service focuses on caring for behavioral health needs while ensuring public safety. The team provides support to youth, adults and families who are showing signs of mental health issues that threaten stability within the home, school or community settings. Symptoms may include, but are not limited to:
- Anger
- Self-injury
- Suicidal or homicidal thoughts or behavior
- Extreme parent/child conflict
- Seeing or hearing things
- Depression or anxiety
Central Receiving Facility
For adults living in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties who are experiencing a mental health crisis and need a Baker Act Screening, Lakeview Center’s central receiving facility (CRF) is the designated entry point for receiving behavioral health care services. The CRF team helps to ensure a smooth continuum of care from crisis support to the most appropriate community-based care, outpatient treatment or residential program.