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Friary Pensacola of Lakeview Center

Friary Pensacola provides access to comprehensive mental health care and substance misuse treatment, including outpatient counseling, outpatient psychiatric services, medication management, medication-assisted treatment using Suboxone® and intensive-outpatient treatment, all in one convenient location.

Our team’s philosophy is to understand and treat the full scope of your substance use disorder and/or mental health concerns. We consider all aspects of your life to help ensure you receive appropriate treatment not only for substance use disorders, but also for depression, anxiety, trauma, chronic pain or family relationship challenges. We work together with you to develop a personalized treatment plan so you can achieve balance in your life again.

1201 W. Lakeview Avenue.
Pensacola, FL

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Intensive-outpatient treatment

For those needing a higher level of care beyond traditional outpatient appointments, Friary Pensacola offers intensive-outpatient treatment, which includes nine hours of intensive group therapy per week.

Because substance misuse often overlaps with mental health issues, our specialized team works with you to build a personalized plan that also addresses co-occurring depression, anxiety, trauma, chronic pain and family relationships.

Testament to our person-centered quality of care:

Friary Pensacola is accredited by CARF International in intensive outpatient and outpatient treatments. Accreditation demonstrates our specific commitment to you so that we always ensure the highest possible quality of services. CARF International is guided by highly recognized service standards and best practices to reduce risk, address health and safety, and respect cultural and individual preferences.

Additionally, our collaborative partnership with Hazelden Betty Ford Patient Care Network allows us to share knowledge and best practices with clinical partners across the nation about the most effective, evidence-based treatments for behavioral health. Our goal is to help you discover a better quality of life.

Team members from Friary Pensacola of Lakeview Center

Substance misuse intensive-outpatient treatment: Friary Pensacola of Lakeview Center

Friary Pensacola provides access to comprehensive mental health care and substance misuse treatment, including outpatient counseling, outpatient psychiatric services, medication management, medication-assisted treatment using Suboxone® and intensive-outpatient treatment, all in one convenient location.

Treatment at Friary Pensacola of Lakeview Center